160 entries
21 exhibitors across Victoria and Southern Riverina (over 1900 km)
9 classes:
- Class 1: Commercial Cow By - 5 Entries
- Class 2: 2-year-old in milk - 38 Entries
- Class 3: 3-year-old in milk - 24 Entries
- Class 4: 4-year-old in milk - 26 Entries
- Class 5: 5-year-old in milk - 21 Entries
- Class 6: 6-year-old and under 9-year-old in milk – 25 Entries
- Class 7: 9-year-old in milk and over - 7 Entries
- Class 8 (a): Heifer Class – 8 Entries
- Class 8 (b): Heifer Class - 6 Entries
Judge: Mr. Phil Hentschke
- Genetics Australia
- Ruakura
- Janette Falls, Elders Finley
- Illawarra Cattle Society of Australia, Victorian Branch
- National Centre for Farmer Health Building Farm Spirit Campaign
Class 1: Commercial Cow Class
1st Elliot Helena by Baromi Elliot (Brett Cirillo)
2nd Rose View Novalee 879 by Llandovery Verbs Viscount (Tracy Gaut)
3rd Rose View Lilly 109 by V Foske (Tracy Gaut)
4th Rose View Lacey 777 by Llandovery Verbs Viscount (Tracy Gaut)
5th Rose View Lily 961 by Llandovery Verbs Viscount (Tracy Gaut)
Class 2: 2 Year Old In Milk Class
1st Annabri Pretty Boy Maree 2109 by Kangawarra Pretty Boy (Brianna Conheady)
2nd Destiny Park Beauty 3rd by Bushmills Jazz (Cody & Rachael Trickey)
3rd Tribute Porter by Ovensdale Jennys Tribute (Greg & Amy Meyland)
4th Holburn Park Fortuna by Stroker Ace (Lachlan Andrew)
5th Llandovery Santino Lorna 2621 by Llandovery Santino (Hayes Family)
6th Three Creeks Red Bull Peaches 2517 by Roland Lodge Red Bull (Justin & Brooke Evans)
Class 3: 3 Year Old In Milk Class
1st Gorbro Sunsupreme Joan by Gorbro BT Sunstorm Supreme (Greg & Amy Meyland)
2nd Llandovery Sunlight Honey 2505 by Llandovery Jedis Sunlight (Hayes Family)
3rd Ravenshill Vilperi 2282 by VR VILPERI (Owen Simpson)
4th Llandovery Santino Jessa 2553 by Llandovery Santino (Hayes Family)
5th Bundarra Merle by Llandovery Adventure (Cody & Rachael Trickey)
6th Riversleigh Gershom Eva by Glenbrook Queens Prince (Doug Tuhan)
7th Destiny Park Joan 2nd by Llandovery Jedis Sunlight (Cody & Rachael Trickey)
Class 4: 4 Year Old In Milk Class
1st Llandovery Quarnies Stately 2252 by Llandovery Quarnie (Hayes Family)
2nd Glencliffe Joyce 1061 by Glencliffe JP Jedi (Raymond & Sarah Parker)
3rd Riversleigh Blush Tulip 26 by Wallumlands Blushs Savard (Tuhan Family)
4th Glencliffe Maida 1078 by Llandovery Vipor (Raymond & Sarah Parker)
5th Llandovery Treleven Joan 2408 by Riversleigh Treleven (Hayes Family)
6th Riversleigh Gus Blush 3 by Llandovery Gus (Tuhan Family)
Class 5: 5 Year Old In Milk Class
1st Llandovery Adventure Buttercup 2057 by Llandovery Adventure (Hayes Family)
2nd Three Creeks Rocket Dancer 1505 by Three Creeks Rocket (Justin & Brooke Evans)
3rd Llandovery Gus Cherry 2211 by Llandovery Gus (Greg & Amy Meyland)
4th Ravenshill Foske 1991 by V FOSKE (Owen Simpson)
5th Holburn Park Viola 2 by Kangawarra Charlie (Lachlan Andrew)
6th Lincolndell O Beauty 5150 by Eagle Park Manu (R & V Read)
Class 6: 6 Year Old & Under 9 Year Old In Milk Class
1st Ovensdale Trinket 191 by Myrtleholme Mitch (Greg & Amy Meyland)
2nd Hazelmont Maxima April by Silverleigh Maxima (Roger & Amanda Heath)
3rd Ovensdale Scarlet 351 by Greenlea Artie (Mikaela Daniel)
4th Lemon Grove Honeymoon 49 by Three Creeks Verbenas Viper Sophie Chittick
5th Llandovery ABS Joan 1577 by Apples Absolute ET Red (Hayes Family)
6th Llandovery Visions Joan 1769 by Verbs Vision (Cody & Rachael Trickey)
7th Riversleigh Alston Majedi by Glencliffe JP Jedi (D. Patterson & M. Tuhan)
Class 7: Over 9 Year Old In Milk Class
1st Llandovery JR Joan by Fradon Jet Red (Tuhan Family)
2nd Ravenshill Foske 1015 by V Foske (Owen Simpson)
3rd Llandovery Pilots Verbena 746 by Llandovery Plums Pilot (Hayes Family)
4th Riversleigh Pimp Emerald 3 by Treeton Pimp (Tuhan Family)
5th Tirrengower Mitch Ina by Myrtleholme Mitch (Brett Cirillo)
Class 8 (a) – Heifer Class Born 1/1/2022 – 31/12/2022.
1st Llandovery Vern Marmalade 2868 by Llandovery Vern (Hayes Family)
2nd Llandovery Supercot Joan by Llandovery Supercot (Hayes Family)
3rd Annabri Tribulation Jean by Ovensdale Jennys Tribute (Brianna Conheady)
4th Annabri Tribulation Mary by Ovensdale Jennys Tribute (Brianna Conheady)
5th Llandovery Empress 2891 by Llandovery Supercot (Ingrid Diment)
6th Destiny Park Scarlet 7th by Ovensdale Jennys Tribute (Cody & Rachael Trickey)
7th Baromi Mannering Stately by Baromi Mannering (Brianna Conheady)
8th Destiny Park Plum by Ovensdale Jennys Tribute (Cody & Rachael Trickey)
Class 8 (b) – Heifer Class Born 1/1/2023 onwards.
1st Annabri Theo Beauty by SpringvaleTheo (Brianna Conheady)
2nd Destiny Park Scarlet 8th by Springvale Theo (Cody & Rachael Trickey)
3rd Annabri Stormyjon Shirley by Gorbro Stormyjon (Brianna Conheady)
4th Destiny Park Dairymaid by Riversleigh Alston Bigboy McEvoy (Cody & Rachael Trickey)
5th Llandovery Royal Joan 3068 by Mash Roses Royal (Hayes Family)
OVERALL, CHAMPION: Ovensdale Trinket 191 by Myrtleholm Mitch (Greg & Amy Meyland)
RESERVE CHAMPION: Llandovery Quarnies Stately 2252 by Llandovery WB Quarnie (Hayes Family)
HONORABLE MENTION: Gorbro Supreme Joan 3263 by Sunstorm Supreme (Greg & Amy Meyland)