

The Agri-Gene Real Australian Photographic Competition results have now been published in the CrazyCow magazine Volume 59, June-August 2018. Eligible photos were taken during 2017 and selected by the ICSA Photographic Committee. As per the usual custom, the IDW Illawarra Judge has the additional duty of judging the photo comp. Paul Harrison of the UK carried out the duty this year.

DRY HEIFER, Born 2015-2016:
A – CHAMPION: Panorama Angeline 48 – B & J Gavenlock, Tallygaroopna, Vic
E – RESERVE: Llandovery Butternut Venus 1690 – T & E Hayes, Girgarre, Vic
F – HONOURABLE MENTION: Rubyvale Pingerley Butter 2 – R & K Bailey, Carpendeit, Vic
D – 4th – Glenbrook Sylvie 12 – I & J Mueller, Murray Bridge, SA
B – 5th – Glencliffe Violet 868 – R & S Parker, Undera, Vic
C – 6th – Glencliffe Olive 865 – R & S Parker, Undera, Vic
Real Aust Photo Comp 2017 Dry Heifer 2

Judge’s comments:
“I’m leading off this class with heifer A because of her overall dairy strength and more fore-rib which gives her the advantage over E. E had the advantage over F for her extra body capacity, more rear rib, and more quality in the rump angle over the heifer F. I’m giving F the advantage over D for being longer throughout and having more set to her rear leg than the deep ribbed heifer D. I’m giving D the advantage over B for her extra body capacity and width in her fore rib. B and C were very similar heifers – both with really angular lines – but B appears more open in the rib which gave her the advantage.”

2-3 YEARS IN MILK, born 2014-2015:
E – CHAMPION: Llandovery Pingerly’s Pride 1360 – T & E Hayes, Girgarre, Vic
C – RESERVE: Viewmount Little Patch 28 – J Ringland, Bega, NSW
B – HONOURABLE MENTION: Myrtleholme Lemon Empress 66 – J & P Bourke Gladfield via Warwick Qld
A – 4th – Llandovery Thorpes Stella 1413 – T & E Hayes, Girgarre, Vic
D – 5th – Glenbrook Belle 59 – T & M Mueller, Murray Bridge, SA
F – 6th – Eachamvale Precious 7 – G & B English, Malanda, Qld
Real Aust Photo Comp 2017 2 3 yrs

Judge’s comments:
“E leads off this class and she is showing great power, strength and excellent body capacity. Her extra maturity and depth gives her the advantage over the younger more immature heifer C in 2nd. C has the advantage over B showing more length through the front end, having more set to her rear leg and more cover over her front teat than B. B shows more dairyness, length of neck and openness of frame than the great bodied heifer A in 4th. A places over D because she has more power and strength, in addition to more fullness of rear udder than D. D has so much more body, frame and capacity in her udder than the dairy heifer F in 6th.”

4-5 YEARS IN MILK, born 2012-2013:
F – CHAMPION: Kangawarra Gladys 4066 – T & K Cochrane, Pyree via Nowra, NSW
A – RESERVE: Springvale Silky 18 – Springvale Enterprises, Murray Bridge, SA
D – HONOURABLE MENTION: Kangawarra Buttercup 4026 – T & K Cochrane, Pyree via Nowra, NSW
C – 4th – Springvale Silky 23 – Springvale Enterprises, Murray Bridge, SA
E – 5th – Myrtleholme Empress 62 – T & K Cochrane, Pyree via Nowra, NSW
B – 6th – White Park Polly 468 – M & G Henry, Hodgsonvale, Qld.
Real Aust Photo Comp 2017 4 5 yrs

Judge’s comments:
“I led off with F because she is a really nice balanced cow who has great length through her front end and a really open sweep of rib. This extra length through the front end, length through her udder and more quality through the rump, gives her the advantage over A who also has great body capacity. A beats D for her body capacity and height of rear udder over the long open-framed cow D. It was this extra power and strength and more body capacity with more quality in the fore-udder which gave D the advantage over C. C shows more dairyness in the front-end and is cleaner through the thigh than the powerful cow E in 5th. E shows more dairy strength and more udder capacity than the real angular cow B in 6th.”

6 YEARS IN MILK, born 2011:
D – CHAMPION: Llandovery JR Joan 982 – Gordon, Vic & Rapley NZ
C – RESERVE: Amor Viscount Cocktail 2 – R & A Heath, Camperdown, Vic
B – HONOURABLE MENTION: Allenvale Virgin 13 – D Phillips & Barron family, Toowoomba, Qld
F – 4th – Springvale Fusha 35 – Springvale Enterprises, Murray Bridge, SA
A – 5th – Kangawarra Myrtle 3757 – T & K Cochrane, Pyree via Nowra, NSW
E – 6th – Riversleigh Scarlet Dorris 2 – Tuhan Family Trust, Tatura, Vic
Real Aust Photo Comp 2017 6 yrs

Judge’s comments:
“I really admire this roan cow in D. She has so much more power and strength whilst still showing real angularity. It’s this extra depth in fore-rib, and height and width of rear udder which gave her the advantage over C in 2nd. C has more body and more sweep to the rib than the real long beautiful-uddered cow B in 3rd. B has so much more quality in the udder with great fore attachment and more veining than the deep-bodied cow F in 4th. F has so much more body capacity and length in the rump over the long cow A in 5th. A has more length in her udder and more set to her rear leg than the real dairy cow E in 6th.”

AGED COW IN MILK, born 2010 or before:
D – CHAMPION: Silverleigh Robina 14 – D & L Priebbenow, Toowoomba, Qld
C – RESERVE: Wallumlands Sunstorm 8 – Gordon, Bacon, Govett, Cohuna, Vic
F – HONOURABLE MENTION: Myrtleholme Lauren 12 – J & P Bourke, Gladfield via Warwick, Qld
E – 4th – Springvale Daisy 48 – Springvale Enterprises, Murray Bridge, SA
B – 5th – Lemon Grove Buttercup 332 – R & K Bailey, Carpendeit, Vic
A – 6th – Happy Valley Maiden 23 – M & G Henry, Hodgsonvale, Qld
Real Aust Photo Comp 2017 Aged Cow

“A great aged cow leads this class in D. She is a beautifully balanced cow with great power and frame. She has an excellent udder, a well attached fore-udder and an excellent rear attachment. This along with her extra power and strength of body capacity gave her the advantage over the long, stylish cow C in 2nd. C has real quality and style, and this, along with her height of rear udder gives her the advantage over F in 3rd. F shows that extra openness of frame, and body capacity, which gives her the advantage over E. E in 4th is cleaner in the bone and more open in the frame than the powerful dairy cow B in 5th. B has more bloom to her udder and width to her rear udder, which gives her the advantage over the long dairy cow A.”

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