

A small but enthusiastic number of exhibitors put forward some high quality Illawarras at Shepparton Show for Judge, Janette Falls. Congratulations and thank you to the four exhibitors who made the time and effort to promote the breed.

Heifer under 6 months:
1st Riversleigh Hunt Flower 30 (Myrtleholme Hunt), Tuhan Family
2nd Riversleigh Alston Majesty (WGCROWN), M Tuhan & D Patterson

Heifer under 12 months:
1st Llandovery Vipers Joan 1811 (Three Creeks Viper), Rachael Barnes
2nd Llandovery Thorpo’s Verbena 1801 (Llandovery Thorpo), Rachael Barnes

Heifer under 2 years:
1st Riversleigh Hodge Jean 25 (Riversleigh Hodge), Tuhan Family

Junior Champion: Riversleigh Hodge Jean 25
Res Junior Champ: Riversleigh Hunt Flower 30
Honourable mention: Riversleigh Alston Majesty

Heifer 2 years in milk:
1st Riversleigh Tuck Gladys 6 (Riversleigh Tuck), Tuhan Family
2nd Riversleigh Treble Tulip 18 (ROYALTREBLE), Tuhan Family

Heifer 2 ½ years in milk:
1st Riversleigh Pingerly Dorris 4 (ISPINGERLY), Tuhan Family

Intermediate Champion: Riversleigh Pingerly Dorris 4
Res. Intermediate: Riversleigh Tuck Gladys 6
Shepparton Show 2017 Res Champ Intermediate lr

Honourable mention: Riversleigh Treble Tulip 18

Cow 4 years in milk:
1st Next Generation PP Blush (PRIDEPROPHET), J&A Noonan
2nd Wallumlands Sunstorm 10 (Wallumlands Visions Monarch), A&E Cullen and T&U Tidcombe

Cow 5-6 years in milk:
1st Riversleigh Prince Tulip 12 (VPRINCE), Tuhan Family

Best Udder:
1st Riversleigh Prince Tulip 12
2nd Next Generation PP Blush
3rd Wallumlands Sunstorm 10

Senior Champion Cow: Riversleigh Prince Tulip 12
Shepparton Show 2017 Champ Cow lr

Reserve Champion Cow: Next Generation PP Blush
Shepparton Show 2017 Res Champ Cow lr

Honourable mention: Wallumlands Sunstorm 10

Group of 3 cows:
1st Tuhan Family

Dam & Daughter:
1st Tuhan Family

Most Successful Exhibitor: Tuhan Family

News Flash