
2015 Victorian Calf Day

The Victorian Branch's 2015 Illawarra Calf Day was held on Monday, March 30, 2015, at the Kyabram Showgrounds with Mr James Breen, Hazelmont Illawarras, Beeac, officiating.  The Tuhan Family stood tall in the junior classes, taking out both broad ribbons.  In the senior classes, the combination of T & U Tidcombe, A Cullen, and E Ferguson stood out with the ultimate reward of Senior Champion.  The Hayes Family was the most successful exhibitor, and it included the Reserve Senior Champion.
Proudly sponsored by:

Vic sponsor Dairy Aust    Vic sponsor Legendairy    Vic sponsor NAB


Vic sponsor Rex James

Vic sponsor Devondale   Vic sponsor CopRice   Vic sponsor AgriGene

Class 1(a) - Junior Handler U12yrs
1st    Charlotte Strong
2nd    Sophie Strong
3rd    Bryce McClaren
4th    Darby McClaren
5th    Jack Monk

Class 1(b) - Senior Handler 12 to 18yrs - Sponsored by Dairy Australia National Centre for Dairy Education.
1st    Maddison Strong
2nd    Taya Hayes
3rd    Rylee Strong
4th    Sam Fitzsimmons
5th    Charlie Lloyd

Youth Encouragement Award:  Rylee Strong received a halter donated by Justin & Brooke Evans.
Second Youth Encouragement Award: Charlie Lloyd, who received an ICSA Vic Br polo shirt.

2015 Vic Calf Day Junior Handler 1st and 2nd Charlotte annd Sophie Strong R L      2015 Vic Calf Day Senior Handlers First Maddison Strong
Pic:  Junior Handlers - R-L C Strong, S Strong       Pic:  Senior Handler - M Strong.

Class 2 - Heifer born after 1.11.14

1st    Hayes Family - Llandovery AP Joan 1489, s. Panorama Anticipation
2nd    Monk Family - Belladonna Buttercup, s. Llandovery Jets Vigil

Class 3 - Heifer born between 1.9.14 to 31.10.14
1st    Hayes Family - Llandovery Visions Scarlet, s. Llandovery Verbs Vision
2nd    R & S Parker - Glencliffe Jackie 779, s. Treeton Pingerly
3rd    Hayes Family - Llandovery Blushs Verbena 1452, s. Wallumlands Blushs Savard

Class 4 - Heifer born between 1.7.14 to 31.8.14
1st    Tuhan Family Trust - Riversleigh Belagio Gladys 4, s. Lemon Grove Belagio
2nd    Tuhan Family Trust - Riversleigh Jetson Belle 19, s. Storman Jetson
3rd    Tuhan Family Trust - Riversleigh Elmo Helen 7, s. Creighton Park Elmo

JUNIOR CHAMPION:  Tuhan Family Trust - Riversleigh Belagio Gladys 4, s. Lemon Grove Belagio
RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION:  Tuhan Family Trust - Riversleigh Jetson Belle 19, s. Storman Jetson

Class 5 - Heifer born 1.4.14 to 30.6.14
1st    Hayes Family - Llandovery Blushs Eva 1384, s. Wallumlands Blushs Savard
2nd    Tuhan Family Trust - Riversleigh Jetson Lily 2, s. Storman Jetson
3rd    Strong Family - G.M. Lady Barrington 1414, s. Glen Meadow Flame

Class 6 - Heifer born 1.1.14 to 31.3.14
1st    Hayes Family - Lemon Grove Honeymoon 46, s. Lemon Grove Belagio
2nd    T & U Tidcombe, A Cullen & E Ferguson - Wallumlands Gracie 2, s. Myrtleholme Thorpe
3rd    T & U Tidcombe, A Cullen & E Ferguson - Wallumlands Ivy 12, s. Jondene Ford

Class 7 - Heifer born 1.9.13 to 31.12.13
1st    T & U Tidcombe, A Cullen & E Ferguson - Wallumlands Veralyn 7, s. Ovensdale Scarlets Marcel
2nd    T & U Tidcombe, A Cullen & E Ferguson - Wallumlands Sunstorm 10, s. Wallumlands Visions Monarch.

Class 8 - Heifer born 1.7.13 to 31.8.13
1st    T & U Tidcombe, A Cullen & E Ferguson - Wallumlands Dame Zara 7, s. Wallumlands Blushs Savard

SENIOR CHAMPION:  T & U Tidcombe, A Cullen & E Ferguson - Wallumlands Veralyn 7, s. Ovensdale Scarlets Marcel
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION:  Hayes Family - Lemon Grove Honeymoon 46, s. Lemon Grove Belagio

2015 Vic Calf Day Senior Champion Reserve Senior Champion with Judge and National Australia Bank Representatives

Pic:  L-R:  Res Snr Champ, Snr Champ with Judge James Breen (centre) and NAB representatives.

Class 9 - Sire's Progeny (2 heifers by the same sire)
1st    Tuhan Family Trust - Storman Jetson
2nd    Hayes Family - Wallumlands Blushs Savard
3rd    Tuhan Family Trust - Lemon Grove Belagio.

Class 10 - Pen of 3 Heifers, any age
1st    T & U Tidcombe, A Cullen & E Ferguson
2nd    Tuhan Family Trust
3rd    Hayes Family


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