
Will Smith - A Young Member on the Way Up

Will Smith (Willmoo, Gympie)  exhibited two heifers at Gympie Show much to the delight of ex-owner Jock Johnston.  The heifers were in great form and a credit to Will.

Competing in the Young Judges competition, Will won his 18-25 yrs age group and was Honourable Mention overall.  He will now move on to the regional finals at Nambour Show.

Will’s parents, Bill and Merryn Smith, farm 286 acres at Bells Bridge just north of Gympie.  They milk a mixed herd of 75-80 on average.

While Will’s heart is with dairy farming, he is currently doing a PhD at the University of Queensland in Food Micro Biology and is working on bacterial genetics in the production of cheese.

The Queensland Branch Committee has just included Will on their State Judging Panel.

Below:  Will being presented with his Judging certificate by Mr Mike Gentle of WFI.  Congratulations.


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